Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: Do We celebrate Christ at Christmas? HDIFAMA
Daily Dialogue Question: Do We celebrate Christ at Christmas? HDIFAMA
Daily Dialogue Question: What I like to do most at Christmas as a couple/family DWLD
Daily Dialogue Question: When was the last time I saw Gods power in my life? HDIF recalling that time now?
Daily Dialogue Question: Are there things in my life that have blinded me to acceptance of all people He created? HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: Have I experienced a time when God used someone to help me see Him in my life? WAMFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: God, I'm asking you to guide me today! HDIFAT?
Daily Dialogue Question: Am I being a light for those who love me? And for those not so much too? HDIFA
Daily Dialogue Question: What is the favorite advent activities as a family/couple that I enjoy to do? HDIF
Daily Dialogue Question: God said love your neighbor as you love yourself. Am I loving my neighbor, my spouse, children as God asked? WAMFAMA
Daily Dialogue Question: How is God calling us to listen and hear his call to us as a couple? HDIFSTWY?