Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: Let's plan something fun to do this month! HDIFA "planned fun?" Christmas
Daily Dialogue Question: Let's plan something fun to do this month! HDIFA "planned fun?" Christmas
Daily Dialogue Question: A new year is here. What are my dreams for us in 2024? HDIFSTWY? Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God
Daily Dialogue Question: What can I do to follow the steps towards holiness like the Holy Family?HDIFAMA
Daily Dialogue Question: Is the holy family my guide to grow in love with God? How do I imitate them? DILD
Daily Dialogue Question: In what ways has God rescued me/us? HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: How I defend the lives of the innocent, especially those of the unborn? CMSCMR
Daily Dialogue Question: What changes can I make to strengthen our relationship with God? HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: What can I do to continue having Jesus in my heart WDIFTSWY
Daily Dialogue Question: If I had Jesus in front of me, what gift would I give him? HDIFAMA
Daily Dialogue Question: What can I do to receive Jesus in my heart today? HDIFWMA