Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: Who could use our prayers right now? HDIFAT? OT
Daily Dialogue Question: Who could use our prayers right now? HDIFAT? OT
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF on this Day of Prayer to the Legal Protection of Unborn Children? Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
Daily Dialogue Question: Recall a time when you were misunderstood and ridiculed. How do I feel recalling this now? DILD. Third Sunday OT
Daily Dialogue Question: Do we spend too much time watching TV? HDIFAMA? OT
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIFA "to-do lists?" DILD. OT
Daily Dialogue Question: What feeling do I need to share with you today? DILD. OT
Daily Dialogue Question: On this Feast Day of St. Anthony, the Abbot, what can we do to be more like him? HDIFAT? Memorial of St. Anthony, Abbot (M)
Daily Dialogue Question: One of my favorite board games as a child was _____. What feeling does my answer bring up (WFDMABU)? OT
Daily Dialogue Question: Do I listen with my heart when you speak to me? HDIFAMA? OT
Daily Dialogue Question: What can we do this week as a couple to grow and blossom our relationship with Jesus? HDIFSTWY? Second Sunday OT