In addition to referring others to this website, Worldwide Marriage Encounter has other resources to help you invite friends, family, priests, and religious in your lives.

Community Resources

WWME Digital Resources

Informational Videos

Help others learn more about WWME by emailing or texting them a WWME inviting video!



Subscribe to our Worldwide Marriage Encounter YouTube channels to receive notification of new videos!



Social Media

Get WWME social media inviting resources here! And be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube!

Brand Resources

In addition to the resources listed here, be sure to check out and download our Worldwide Marriage Encounter branding resources and policies!

WWME Printed Resources


Our new informational brochures for Couples and Priests will provide a better understanding about how WWME can benefit a couple’s relationship as well as a priest and his priesthood.

After you’ve shared how your WWME experience positively impacted your relationship, download and distribute to those you are inviting.

Brochure WWME 2020
WWME Banner Stands 2020

Parish Resources

We offer additional printed resources to help your parish promote Worldwide Marriage Encounter experiences. The support of parishes is vital to ensure that parish members are aware of these upcoming marriage building experiences.

Download and print or order the following inviting materials:


With black and white newspaper ads the most economical print advertising rates available today, we offer several sizes and layouts of ad templates that you can download and customize to advertise your specific experiences in local newspapers and event programs.

B&W Newspaper Ad Templates