longest married couple

longest married couple2024-05-15T08:55:36-07:00

Community Resources

Each year WWME honors married couples through the Longest Married Couple Project

Help us Promote Marriage in the  World by Submitting the Longest Married Couples, in Your Life

When: May 15th to September 1st, every year

What is the Longest Married Couple Project?

The Longest Married Couple (LMC) project highlights and honors couples who have very long marriages, in the United States and associated territories.


The project was started in 2011 with a purpose to celebrate marriage and bring attention to the WWME movement through news media coverage honoring national and state winners each year for their long marriages.

The first year the national winning couple was married 83 years and lived in Lordsburg, New Mexico. The presentation was carried live by CNN Radio News. Over the years all the major tv news networks, along with state and local news media, have highlighted the program. In the 5th year there was a segment about the Worldwide Marriage Encounter ‘s Longest Married Couple on CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood.

How do I submit a couple for nomination?

During the nomination period (5/15-9/1) you can complete and submit the form (at left).

Do nominees have to be Catholic or have attended a WWME Experience?

No. The couple just has to be a husband and wife and live anywhere in the 50 US states as well as the islands and territories that make up the United States.

When can I submit a couple for nomination?

Nomination process starts on May 15th and ends on September 1st of each year.

What will happen if my submitted couple wins?

You will be contacted by your Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) leaders who would have been contacted by the WWME LMC coordinators. The WWME national leadership team is also contacted about the national winners so that they can make travel plans to honor the national winners. State level winners are honored by the region leaders or local WWME couples.

Faithful to the Roman Catholic Church’s definition that marriage is a covenant that exists between one man and one woman, any reference to “marriage” or “couple” made by Worldwide Marriage Encounter and the Longest Married couple, is in this context.

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