For Couples

I heard that Marriage Encounter is for “troubled” marriages. We’ve been married for (1 year, 10 years, or 35 years) and we don’t have “issues.” Why should we attend?

On the contrary, Marriage Encounter Experiences are for ALL marriages!  Think about it, employers may send you to a seminar to gain new skills on the job, so why not dedicate time to gain new skills that can benefit your most important relationship – your marriage! The Marriage Encounter gives busy couples much needed time together [...]

2020-09-14T20:42:35-07:00July 20, 2020|

My spouse does not attend church (or is not Catholic), can we still get anything out of a Marriage Encounter?

In short, YES!  Experiences are for husband and wife couples of all denominations, mixed faiths, or no religious affiliation. Among the diverse couples attending we've had a variety of protestant faiths, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, and no faith affiliation to name a few. All have successfully been able to fully participate and gain from the experience. [...]

2020-09-14T20:46:19-07:00July 20, 2020|
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