Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: how do I feel when I relize that we need to persevere in our dialogue?
Daily Dialogue Question: how do I feel when I relize that we need to persevere in our dialogue?
Daily Dialogue Question: how do I feel when I relize that we need to persevere in our dialogue?
Daily Dialogue Question: How do I feel when I read "He has been raised?" HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: How do I feel when I read "He has been raised?" HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: How do I feel when I read "He has been raised?" HDIFAMA? "Some women from our group, however, have astounded us: they were at the tomb early in the morning and did not find his body; they came back and reported that they had indeed seen a vision of angels who anounced that [...]
Daily Dialogue Question: What do I need to die to for the sake of our relationship? HDIFSTWY? "Brothers and sisters: Are you unaware that you who were baptized into his death?" (ROM 6:3)
Daily Dialogue Question: Would I be willing to give my life for my faith? DFILD. "They will look upon him whom they have pierced." (JN 19:37)
Daily Dialogue Question: What acts of humility have I performed recently? HDIFAMA? "He took a towel and tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the diciples' feet and dry them with the towel around his waist." (JN 13:4-5)
Daily Dialogue Question: Has this Lent been meaningful to me? HDIFSTWY?
Daily Dialogue Question: Why do I look forward to Easter? HDIFSTWY?