Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: What is standing between me and an intimate relationship with you? HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: What is standing between me and an intimate relationship with you? HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIFA working with you, side by side, on household projects?
Daily Dialogue Question: What is one way God has answered prayers in my life? HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIFA our couple prayer?
Daily Dialogue Question: God has given me yet another day on His beautiful earth! HDIF thinking of this?
Daily Dialogue Question: The woman at the well said "Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be thirsty". What can I give you so you are not thirsty in our relationship? HDIFAT? Gospel Jn 4:5-42 Jesus came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of land that Jacob had given [...]
Daily Dialogue Question: How do I/we nourish our marriage? HDIFAMA? Love must be nourished in every marriage. -Dietrich von Hildebrand
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF when you whisper "sweet nothings" in my ear? DILD.
Daily Dialogue Question: What is God giving me the chance to say "yes" to today? WAMFAT?
Loving is a full time job. What do I like most about my job? HDIFAMA?