Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: How about starting a new post-Fourth of July tradition? What new activities can we do as a couple to burn off some of the hotdogs/hamburgers we had on the the 4th? HDIFSTWY?
Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: How about starting a new post-Fourth of July tradition? What new activities can we do as a couple to burn off some of the hotdogs/hamburgers we had on the the 4th? HDIFSTWY?
Daily Dialogue Question: Family dialogue: What was your preference on the 4th - hot dogs or hamburgers? Why? What is my strongest feeling about that?
Daily Dialogue Question: Share your family's Independence Day tradition(s) - when you were growing up - with your spouse. HDIFSTWY?
Daily Dialogue Question: St. Thomas is famous for having doubted the Resurrection of Jesus The phrase “doubting Thomas” was coined for his lack of faith. Am I a Doubting Thomas regarding our relationship? DILD
Daily Dialogue Question: WWME Five Tools: When dialoguing, are we only selecting "safe" questions to avoid conflict? What issue am I afraid to dialogue about? HDIFAT?
Daily Dialogue Question: WWME Five Tools: Select a prayer - one we've haven't done before - and read it. How did this activity make me feel?
Daily Dialogue Question: Do I recognize God's miracles in our daily lives? Describe your feelings in detail. 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Daily Dialogue Question: What do I need to thank God for? HDIFAT? Saints Peter and Paul , apostles
Daily Dialogue Question: What was the best part of this month? OT
Daily Dialogue Question: What was the best part of this month? OT