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So far DQOTD has created 369 blog entries.

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: Do I ask God for love? WAMFAT? "Everything starts from prayer. Without asking God for love, we cannot possess love, and still less are we able to give it to others." St. Teresa of Calcutta

2021-07-20T01:14:59-07:00July 20, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: What strengths do I rely on from you? HDIFAT? "Lean on each other's strengths; forgive each other's weaknesses."

2021-07-19T03:13:26-07:00July 19, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: What challenges do I have in taking time to get adequate rest? HDIFAMA Mk 6:30-34 The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” People were coming and going in great numbers, [...]

2021-07-18T03:12:27-07:00July 18, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: How do you make me feel important? HDIFTYT? "Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from his/her neck saying, 'Make me feel important.'"

2021-07-17T01:13:09-07:00July 17, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: How do I see this in our marriage? HDIFAMA? Love gives and forgives, accepts and adjusts.

2021-07-15T03:15:25-07:00July 15, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: Who in our marriage makes the decisions, or do we share? WAMFAT? Shared decision-making within a marriage is a desired goal.

2021-07-14T01:13:02-07:00July 14, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: Jesus performed His miracle at the wedding at Cana. What specific miracle has He done in our marriage? HDIFAT?

2021-07-13T03:12:49-07:00July 13, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: What good do I see in you that you don't recognize? HDIFTYT? "A loving spouse can see the good in you even when you can't."

2021-07-12T01:13:13-07:00July 12, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: How do I feel Jesus summoning me, in service to others? DILD Mk 6:7-13 Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick— no food, no sack, no money [...]

2021-07-11T01:13:22-07:00July 11, 2021|
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