For our first nomination for Stellar Community, we nominate the “Lovebirds” sharing group from St Petersburg, FL, and part of the FLWC Encounter Area. The sharing group leaders are Gus and Agnes Mistak. Our Region 5 Florida Lovebirds are steadfast in the commitment to monthly meetings, value relationship, are dedicated to dialogue, and without question strive for fun in their group.
For the FLWC September Weekend, the Lovebirds were the “host” sharing group. Not wanting to miss their regularly scheduled sharing group, the Lovebirds grabbed an available conference room at the facility and had their monthly meeting after the weekend couples had all arrived and were settled in the room. Then, making sure nobody was left out, the lovebirds invited every other couple who showed up to host the weekend into their nest to join them in their sharing group that night. We had the pleasure to join the lovebirds that night. In addition to an enriching evening, we witnessed a group of lovers who clearly cared about each other and our WWME movement deeply. We were amazed as the group reviewed their inviting plans for the year and dreamed about venturing deeper into the use of social media tools. The group committed to creating a YouTube channel for their sharing group with each member committing to upload at least one testimonial by the end of the year.
We cannot wait to see what our lovebirds come up with!
Submitted by Matt & Gail Quinn