Finding community at home
Married couples who have attended a Worldwide Marriage Encounter experience are blessed with incredible communication tools to support and fortify their marriage, in good times and tough times. Check out the tools supplied here!

The WWME Five Tools
Worldwide Marriage Encounter provides Five Tools to help us keep our relationship a priority. Now, more than ever, we can use those tools to build or even rebuild and maintain relationship in our marriage. They are:
- Attention to Our Communication In and Out of Dialogue
- Couple Prayer
- Attention to Our Sexual Relationship
- Being Involved in the WWME Community
- Reevaluation
Remember during the Renewal following your weekend experience, a couple gave a presentation, and attendees completed the following exercise. We encourage you to:
- Individually, each, create a list of goals for your marriage
- Together, look over each other’s goals and create a revised list of common goals, as a couple.
- Together, decide on the top three mutual goals to make a priority in your lives, right now.
- Together, select one of those goals to focus on, today.
- Determine as a husband, wife and a couple actions you can take to accomplish this goal.
- Determine as husband and wife, what attitudes and behaviors you will need to focus on to make change.
- Dialogue on this question: How do I feel about setting goals as a couple? DILD
Finally, use the resources listed on this page to continue to achieve these goals.
Dialogue Questions
Dialogue instructions
Follow the writing template. First, answer the dialogue question in 3-4 sentences. Then, share your strongest feeling about your answer in loving detail with several descriptions utilizing your senses (tastes like, smells like, etc). Then be sure to give a number to rate the intensity of that feeling.
Find our writing template, dialogue questions, and other resources here:
Community Resources
COVID-19 Resources
A Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
Join a live feed of a virtual adoration at the National Shrine of St. Maximillian Kolbe
The Veil Removed Video: Witness the real presence of Christ revealed through the angels and saints
Add a Virtual Mass You Know of to the WWME Mass Map
Spiritual Communion Prayer/Moment with the Blessed Sacrament – Video of Pope Francis
Find Virtual Mass in Parishes from All Over the World
Prayer Services
Region 20 Rosary and Enrichment – (RSVP here)
Catholic Prayers
Prayers for Health Care Workers During This Time
USCCB President’s Reflection & Prayer During this Time
Prayer for Those with Coronavirus
Inspiring Articles
Humanity Trembles – Let’s Unite in Prayer, Pope Francis Article