Worldwide Marriage Encounter has been providing enrichment experiences for over 50 years! This has been made possible by the Grace of God and financial support from couples and priests just like you.
With no financial support from the Church, WWME is totally dependent on the generosity of couples and priests who are passionate about supporting marriage and Holy Orders through donating their treasure. You can donate financial gifts so that WWME can continue to provide experiences to couples and priests for another 50 years. You can help change the world, one couple and priest at a time!

One Time Donation
You can donate immediately to fund future WWME experiences by clicking on the red ONE TIME DONATION, below. Your generosity will enable more couples and priests to attend an experience and live more intimately and responsibly. Think back to your experience and donate so that more couples and priests can encounter those wonderful moments and feelings.
Recurring Donation
Establish a plan to donate regularly to WWME! Being able to depend on ongoing funding will enable WWME to plan even more experiences in the future. Your ongoing commitment is greatly appreciated and will continue the mission of WWME to proclaim the value of marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the world. You can set up your recurring donation by clicking the red RECURRING DONATION, below.
Fr. Chuck Gallagher S.J. legacy fund
Remember the couples and priest who presented your experience?
The Father Chuck Gallagher S.J. Legacy Fund is the official endowment fund of Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Its purpose is to continually train couples and priests to provide life giving experiences and to provide leadership training for the movement. It is a living fund that embodies Fr. Chuck’s passion to provide experiences to couples and priests all over the world.
You can donate to this endowment fund now by clicking the red LEGACY FUND DONATION below. You can change the world! Please donate now!