Share the good news of your WWME experience by inviting and encouraging others to attend an upcoming experience!
You are called to be evangelizers by being witnesses of God’s love to others. Sharing your experience is your best inviting method!

Friends & family
One of the most effective ways to invite is through personal invitation from one couple to another.
- Share your transformation story and the joys you have realized since your experience.
- As you share, they may ask some questions.
- Answer the ones you can, then refer them to our FAQs page here for more information.

Priests in your life
Sharing about your WWME experience with priests gives them a refreshing glimpse of a strong and viable sacramental marriage.
Priests who have attended the experience have shared how they’ve grown personally through the witness of the inspiring transformations of couples attending with them.
Invite priests in your life to attend a WWME experience – for themselves! In talking with priests about the wonderful experience you had, they’re likely to start asking questions. Please don’t hesitate to refer them to our For Priests page for more information.

Your parish
Worldwide Marriage Encounter is the largest Catholic marriage enrichment program. We are a non-parish-based ministry that supports our beloved Catholic church with no financial burden to diocese or parishes. We are listed as the only worldwide “marriage” program on the dicastery of the Laity and Family Life by the Vatican. However, we do rely on local dioceses and parishes to help us promote upcoming experiences.
Please share this information with your priest and parish staff and ask if they would be willing to help promote our Worldwide Marriage Encounter experiences through parish mass talks, bulletin ads, Parish Facebook pages, e-newsletters, and other communication methods.
If they need to learn more, please contact your experience presenting team couples and they’ll be happy to assist you.
Resources for inviting
Worldwide Marriage Encounter offers many resources to help you invite in your parish and community. Priest and couple inviting videos, images, logos, trifolds, banners, posters, and more are available to download and use.
Inviting through social media
Sharing your Worldwide Marriage Encounter experience on social media gives you a way to share your message with many friends and family members. WWME has tools, tips, and resources to assist you in this method of inviting!