As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. I Peter 4:10
God blesses each of us with different gifts and talents and Worldwide Marriage Encounter provides many opportunities to share your gifts to serve future marriages and priesthoods. WWME has continued the mission of building marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the World solely due to the generosity of thousands of couples and priest’ willing to share their gifts.
With only two paid employees in North America, WWME depends on many couples and priests, just like you, living the mission of their experience to build the Church and the World by offering their talents to perform various roles and tasks.
Please prayerfully consider the gifts you have as a person and a couple as you review roles in Worldwide Marriage Encounter.
- Crafter
- Multimedia for Virtual Experience
- Graphic Design for Inviting
- Social Media Content Creator
- Photographer
- Musician
- Choir Member
- Grant Writer
- Social Media Coordinator
- Experience Facility Set Up
- Experience Supply Coordinator
- Webmaster
- Event Coordinator
- Enrichment Coordinator
- Database Coordinator
- Social Event Coordinator
- Parish Enrichment Coordinator
Relationship Builders
- Parish Contact
- Greeter after Mass
- Prayer Couple
- Give Sharing Group Presentations
- Bilingual Translator
- Announcement Speaker
- Enrichment Presenter
- Sign Up Table Worker
Please contact your Encounter Leader or experience presenting team couples to offer to share your gifts in those areas listed or any other area you may be interested in exploring.