Worldwide Marriage Encounter is comprised of lay people and priests from around the globe who are passionate about offering the gifts of the WWME experience to future couples and priests.
With no diocesan support, future WWME experiences are totally dependent upon the generosity of past attendees contributing their time, talents, and treasure.
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10

Sharing your time
Whether you have a little or a lot of time, please pay forward the gift you received on your experience by being a prayer couple, greeting new couples and priests before and after the experience, or sharing your story so others can attend a future experience. Learn more about how to share your time with Worldwide Marriage Encounter.
Sharing your talents
We all have talents that could be helpful to ensure Worldwide Marriage Encounter experiences are available to all. Learn more about how to identify and share your talents in WWME.

Sharing your treasure
Worldwide Marriage Encounter experiences occur because of the generosity of couples and priests who previously attended an experience. They are enthusiastically willing to share their gifts to further the mission of WWME, to change the world, one couple and priest at a time. Learn how to share your gifts with Worldwide Marriage Encounter and help lift up the Sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders.