Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: At this moment, how is our sexual relationship, because of our daily dialogue? DILD
Daily Dialogue Question: At this moment, how is our sexual relationship, because of our daily dialogue? DILD
Daily Dialogue Question: Is the Virgin Mary an example to follow? Are we following her in our ministry within the WWME? HDIFAMA? The Assumptio of the Blessed Virgin Mary S
Daily Dialogue Question: Putting on a scale, how is our relationship now, compared to the beginning when we left the weekend, where does it lean, Is there a difference? HDIFAMA? St. Maximillian Kolbe, Priest & Martyr M
Daily Dialogue Question: How is my prayer in difficult times? HDIFAMA XIX Sunday in OT "Gospel Mt 14:22-33 After he had fed the people, Jesus made the disciples get into a boat and precede him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. After doing so, he went up on the mountain by himself to [...]
Daily Dialogue Question: Are we complying with our dialogue? (Attentive to our communication inside and outside our dialogue) HDIFAMA?enter one "space" here
Daily Dialogue Question: When was the last time we did a re-evaluation of our relationship? Are we living the 5 WWME tools? (Communication, prayer, sex, involvement, and re-evaluation) HDIFAMA? St. Clare, Virgin M
Daily Dialogue Question: Are we attending sharing group meetings that the encounter offers us. enter one "space" hereHDIFAMA? ST. Lawrentce, Deacon & Martyr M
Daily Dialogue Question: Have we neglected our dialog these last few days?enter one "space" here How do I feel about my response? St. Dominic, Priest M
Daily Dialogue Question: What am I doing to live my romance with my spouse? enter one "space" hereHDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: Share a time when you experienced God's grace, and it strengthened your faith. What is my strongest feeling about sharing this with you? The Transfiguration of the Lord F