Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: My ultimate Sunday breakfast includes ____. HDIFSTWY? OT
Daily Dialogue Question: My ultimate Sunday breakfast includes ____. HDIFSTWY? OT
Daily Dialogue Question: The weekend is nearly here. What project can we do together? HDIFAMA? OT
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF when you hold me? DILD. OT
Daily Dialogue Question: Does our family laugh enough? HDIFAMA? OT
Daily Dialogue Question: What can we do as a couple to enrich our WWME Sharing Group? First Ordinary Time (OT)
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF when we have the opportunity to witness a Baptism? DILD. The Baptism of the Lord
Daily Dialogue Question: What gift can we bring to Baby Jesus this year? HDIFAMA? The Epiphany of the Lord
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF when we miss our Daily Dialogue because of illness? DILD. Christmas
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF when I think about my own death? DILD. Christmas
Daily Dialogue Question: Who in our family could use some help, and what can we reasonably do to provide it? HDIFSTWY? Christmas