daily dialogue question

daily dialogue question2023-03-27T19:21:23-07:00
WWME Dialogue Support

Daily Dialogue Question: What family picture I like the most? HDIFAT?

June 14, 2023|

Daily Dialogue Question: Have I volunteered for any WWME activities recently? HDIFAT?

June 13, 2023|

Daily Dialogue Question: What is my favorite Ice cream flavor?

June 12, 2023|

Daily Dialogue Question: How do I prepare to receive the Body & Blood of Christ? HDIFWMA?
Solemnity of the Most Holy body and Blood of Christ

June 11, 2023|

Daily Dialogue Question: Have we shared family time recently? HDIFAT?

June 10, 2023|

Daily Dialogue Question: How do I feel giving/receiving a bouquet of flowers?

June 9, 2023|

Daily Dialogue Question: When is our next community meeting scheduled? HDIFAT?

June 8, 2023|

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