daily dialogue question

daily dialogue question2023-03-27T19:21:23-07:00
WWME Dialogue Support

Daily Dialogue Question: Is my service to EMM to honor God or to be seen as a leader? HDI when reflecting on this?

February 27, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: When we are going through difficult times, do I accept and take up the cross or do I simply ignore Jesus’ call? HDIAMA
Gospel (Mk 9,2-10): Before the Cross, a Fleeting Vision of Glory,Jesus and his closest apostles experience a glimpse of the glory that Jesus himself will enjoy in his resurrection. This fleeting vision will sustain them during the passion of the Lord.

February 25, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Do I help or collaborate with household things? How I feel when I recognize that I must collaborate and not help because it is our home and our duty as a couple.

February 24, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: What can I offer to Jesus today on this Friday as a Person? HDIFWMA

February 23, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF when I share good moments with Encounter couples HDIFTSTWY?

February 22, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: As parents, are we teaching our children to live Lent? HDIFAMA

February 21, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: 2/18/2024

February 20, 2024|

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