daily dialogue question

daily dialogue question2023-03-27T19:21:23-07:00
WWME Dialogue Support

Daily Dialogue Question: Do we include God in our relationship? HDIFAMA?

March 4, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: HDIFA our involvement with the M.E. community?

March 3, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Do I have within me a spring of water welling up to eternal life? HDIFAMA?
“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give wil never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (JN 4:13-14)

March 2, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Which season is my favorite? HDIFAT?

March 1, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: How has our prayer life as a couple contributed to our unity on a spiritual level? HDIFAT?

February 29, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Like the Son of man, who did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life; How am I serving EMM? HDIFWMA

February 28, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Is my service to EMM to honor God or to be seen as a leader? HDI when reflecting on this?

February 27, 2024|

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