Daily Dialogue Question: Today is marriage day! Does HDIF remember our wedding day? Have we been healed over the years?
Gospel (Mc 1,40-45) : Jesus Touched the Leper and Healed Him,For Jesus, lepers – and sinners – are no longer marginalized, but people whom we have to love and whom, for the love of God, we have to reintegrate to the community.
Daily Dialogue Question: Is anything needed or missing in our relationship right now? DILD?
Daily Dialogue Question: Is there anything in our relationship that is damaged beyond repair? HDIFAT?
Daily Dialogue Question: What do I most look forward to about Heaven? DILD?
Daily Dialogue Question: How has God used others to comfort and support us? HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: How has God revealed His faithfulness to me/us when I/we feel weighed down? DILD?
Daily Dialogue Question: What small or big thing in my /our life that I see God doing in my heart? WAMFAMA?