daily dialogue question

daily dialogue question2023-03-27T19:21:23-07:00
WWME Dialogue Support

Daily Dialogue Question: WWME Five Tools: How well am I listening to you outside of dialogue? HDIFAMA?

July 10, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: WWME Five Tools: HDIF about our involvement with our church community? Do we need to do more? HDIFAMA?

July 9, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: WWME Five Tools: HDIF when you really try to reach out and accept my feelings about sex?

July 8, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Do you find it difficult to prophesy about WWME at your own parish? HDIFAMA?
Jesus said, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.”

July 7, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: How about starting a new post-Fourth of July tradition? What new activities can we do as a couple to burn off some of the hotdogs/hamburgers we had on the the 4th? HDIFSTWY?

July 6, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Family dialogue: What was your preference on the 4th – hot dogs or hamburgers? Why? What is my strongest feeling about that?

July 5, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Share your family’s Independence Day tradition(s) – when you were growing up – with your spouse. HDIFSTWY?

July 4, 2024|

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