daily dialogue question

daily dialogue question2023-03-27T19:21:23-07:00
WWME Dialogue Support

Daily Dialogue Question: How am I preparing for the coming of the Lord this Christmas? What is my strongest feeling?

December 16, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: What do I need to improve with those around me? HDIFAT?

December 15, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: What is the part of my service at WWME this year that I am most proud of?

December 14, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Who is the woman that I admire the most? WAMFAMA?

December 13, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Am I willing to do what the Lord asks of me through Our Lady of Guadalupe? HDIFAT?

December 12, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: This is the time to review my relationship with God. DFILD

December 11, 2024|

Daily Dialogue Question: Am I willing to help someone in need? HDIFAT?

December 10, 2024|

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