Welcome to the journey!

Congratulations on completing your experience!
We invite you to continue to thrive together, and live your best life, in love.
Now, as an encountered couple or priest, you can utilize the tools you learned during your experience in your everyday life, along with the resources available on this website and from your local community.
In Worldwide Marriage Encounter, you never walk alone – we are here to support you in your marriage or priestly journey!
erl.wwme.org Access Instructions
Initial set up to Access ERL – with your personal email address.
- Click HERE to begin the process, once you enter your email address, click the “Next” button.
- You’ll then be emailed an Account Verification code. Enter that code into the Enter Code box, click sign in.
- Complete the ERL External User Access form and click “request access”.
- DO NOT CLICK on the next box’s “Get Started button”
- You’ll be emailed a 2nd activation code, enter it in the Enter Code box.
- You’ll now have access to read and download resources on erl.wwme.org,
Future Access to erl.wwme.org (after you’ve initially activated your email address)
- Log in at: http://erl.wwme.org, you’ll be emailed an access code.
- Enter that code into the Enter Code box.
- You’ll now have access to read and download resources on erl.wwme.org.
If you need further assistance, accessing erl.wwme.org, please contact ITHelp@wwme.org.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Resource Usage
Permission to use content from these pages and referenced resources is granted for uses that explicitly promote the mission and values of Worldwide Marriage Encounter, Inc. The materials from this website are available for informational and noncommercial uses only, provided the content is not modified in any way, all copyright and other notices on any copy are retained, and proper attribution to Worldwide Marriage Encounter, Inc. is made. Any other use is prohibited.
Do not hesitate to contact us at webmaster@wwme.org if you are unsure if your use meets this criteria.