Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF seeing that the phone opens a chasm between the two of us and we lose communication between us?
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF seeing that the phone opens a chasm between the two of us and we lose communication between us?
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF around Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday
Daily Dialogue Question: Is our sexual relationship a gift from God to us, do I see it that way? WTSAM
Daily Dialogue Question: Acts 2:46 Share a concrete way to be simple at heart. HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: What do I think our relationship would be like in 5 more years and why? HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: What reasons do I have to continue being involved in the ME community? WTSAM?
Daily Dialogue Question: Do I read your love letter with the same tenderness and acceptance as I did during our weekend? HDIFAT Saint Gregory of Narek, abbot and doctor of the Church
Daily Dialogue Question: What can we do together to observe this holy season of Lent? HDIFAT Thursday of the VII Week in Ordinary Time
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF When I see life's stressors written all over your face? Wednesday of the VII Week in Ordinary Time
Daily Dialogue Question: What can I do to resolve and discuss before?DILD Tuesday of the VII Week in Ordinary Time