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So far DQOTD has created 369 blog entries.

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: Do I thank God every day for sending you into my life? HDIFAMA? "Freedom is when the people can speak, democracy is when the government listens." Alastair Farrugia

2021-05-06T06:44:15-07:00May 6, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: What is one of my greatest strengths? HDIFSTWY? Saint of the Week - St. Catherine of Siena (Feast Day April 29) “Start being brave about everything, driving out darkness and spreading light as well. Don’t look at your weakness, but realize that in Christ crucified you can do everything.”

2021-04-29T03:12:30-07:00April 29, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: Am I accepting my role as a member of the Lord’s flock? HDIFAT? John 10: 11-18 Jesus said: “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. A hired man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and [...]

2021-04-25T03:12:16-07:00April 25, 2021|

Daily Dialogue Question

Daily Dialogue Question: What plans do we need to work on for the near future? HDIFSTWY? Saint of the Week - St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen (Feast Day April 24) "It is because of faith that we exchange the present for the future".

2021-04-23T03:13:42-07:00April 23, 2021|
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