Daily Dialogue Question
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF knowing that we are part of a community that supports couple growth?
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF knowing that we are part of a community that supports couple growth?
Daily Dialogue Question: When life throws us lemons, are we able to make lemonade? HDIFAMA?
Daily Dialogue Question: Are we living for today? HDIFAMA? Saint of the Week - St. Luke (Evangelist) - Feast Day October 18: "Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come."
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIFA my ability to serve others? Jesus summoned the twelve and said to them, "You know that those who are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you. Rather, whoever wishes to be [...]
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIFA being asked to volunteer, as opposed to volunteering on my own?
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIFA this quote? Saint of the Week - St. Teresa of Jesus (St. Teresa of Avila) - Feast Day Oct 15: "There are more tears shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones."
Daily Dialogue Question: HDIF when things do not go according to plan?
Daily Dialogue Question: What do I think of this quote? HDIFAMA? "Learning to wait things out is one of life's greatest lessons, and it can be learned only by waiting things out. Sometimes the wisest thing to do is nothing, it is also often the hardest thing to do." (Matthew Kelly)
Daily Dialogue Question: What family traditions do we continue to live? HDIFAT?
Daily Dialogue Question: What can I do to improve our sexual relationship? HDIFSTWY?