Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a catholic non-profit movement with presence in almost 100 countries. It’s organized in six world secretariats: North America and the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, Pan Africa, Asia and Pacific.
Each secretariat is led by an ecclesial team integrated by a married couple and a priest who are discerned by their respective councils every three or four years. The six secretariat leaders also discern a couple and a priest to lead our global movement as the International Ecclesial Team (IET), every five years.
Under each secretariat, ecclesial teams lead the movement’s activities in countries, regions, cities or dioceses. Normally, WWME leaders are couples and priests who experienced a Marriage Encounter and have been prepared to present the Marriage Encounter experience. Leadership positions are renewed every two or three years.
More than a managerial position, leadership in WWME calls for couples and priests to become servant leaders by guiding, inspiring and encouraging others, following the example of Jesus. All servant leaders and presenting teams in our movement are non-paid volunteers.

Tony & Sue Morris and Bishop Michael Warfel
North American Secretariat Ecclesial Team

Peter & Sheila Oprysko and Fr. Dennis O’Brien
United States Ecclesial Team

Doug and Candice Chappell and Archbishop Emeritus Sylvain Lavoie
Canada & Caribbean Ecclesial Team