Worldwide Marriage Encounter makes all hotel and food arrangements on behalf of confirmed couples and priests on the experience.

All that is needed to secure your spot at an experience is a non-refundable Application Fee. Fees vary from area to area and usually range between $50-$200 per couple/priest. This fee is transferable if you are unable to attend a scheduled experience due to an emergency.

At the end of the experience, participating couples and religious are also asked to prayerfully consider contributing what they can to defray the costs of their experience and to help make the experience possible for other couples.

All contributions are given as a confidential free will donation, and covering the cost can be done in a number of ways, including cash, checks, credit cards, or post-dated checks and credit card payments. Any contribution in excess of the stated experience cost is considered a tax-deductible donation, and statements will be sent at the beginning of the year for tax purposes. Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the Internal Revenue Service.

ALL are encouraged to attend an experience regardless of financial means. NO couple or religious are turned away due to inability to contribute financially.

For Couples

Learn new communication tools to communicate from the heart and grow intimacy and connection!

For Priests

Reconnect and grow with your parish family with tools that can help you rediscover the joy in your priesthood!

For Your Parish

Strengthen your parish by scheduling Worldwide Marriage Encounter experiences to enrich marriages and families!

find an experience

Weekend, non-residential, weeknight, and
virtual formats now available!